You may be asking yourself whether there is anywhere in scriptures where the fruits of the tree of life were shortlisted, as its fruits (for the tree of life), it is not so. But when any prophet is called to be God’s prophet, He Himself gives him a revelation and sometimes it is new, which would fulfill the will of God. But these ones are scriptures in the Bible though not arranged as they are here.


  1. David in 1Samuel 16:14-23 it was not written that one day the voice of the harp would heal or cast out a demon.
  2. Elisha and the sons of the prophets in 2Kings 4:38-41, the wild gourds they prepared for the sons of the prophets which had death in them, Elisha got a revelation to add flour and the stew was cleansed; it was not written that one day it would be like that.
  3. Elisha and Naaman in 2Kings 5:1-14, Naaman was healed from his leprosy because of dipping himself 7 times in the Jordan, yet it was not written anywhere until he got that revelation and it worked.
  4. .When Elisha was making the axe to float in 2Kings 6:1-7 which had fallen in the water while they were cutting trees in the Jordan to build for themselves houses to stay in, the one who was using it to cut cried out to Elisha, Elisha asked him where it had fallen, he cut a branch and threw it where it had fallen and made the iron to float and commanded him to pick it and did like that. This also was not seen any where that Elisha read it in the scriptures but it was a new revelation that God had given him.
  5. Elisha and the men of Jericho in 2Kings 2:19-22; they reported to him the bad water which never made the food to grow and also causing miscarriages (see good news bible), here he used salt brought in a new bowl, it is what he threw in the source of water and prayed in the name of God and the water was healed .This was also a new revelation.
  6. Elijah and the child of a widow who had died in 1kings 17:17-24 this time he lay and stretched himself on the dead child three times and he resurrected. He never read it anywhere in scriptures but only the new revelation he had gotten.

There are many examples but the difference with all these principles is that they were extracted from or were got from the scriptures and bring out the power in them, the way they work or their ways of healing.

Here there is also a new and great revelation though they were in existence in the Old Testament and even in the new they were used or observed with care yet the power in them was not known well but now in this revelation the power in them is shown in deliverance and healing.

Another new revelation is to understand that these principles are the fruits of the tree of life for healing nations and even as the first prophets whenever they received a revelation by the spirit of God they could do and there was healing as we saw at first.

These principles or the twelve fruits(12) of the tree of life, let us look at some of the scriptures that talk about them and their working in brief because their details, you will  find  in lessons which are well prepared.

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