To the Leaders, Ministers and saints in Uganda, Peace be to you and the grace of God the father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord spoke to me very clearly on 7th the eighth month (August) of 2002 about spiritual dryness that had penetrated the Church of Christ as well described in Amos 8:1-2 and 11, are all resulting from the lack of true doctrine in the Church today.

Ultimately, confusions, misunderstandings, short running of things, breakups have struck the church leaders yet numerous Christians have continuously suffered due to lack of the foundation in the word and even the world at large. Consequently some business, passports, bank accounts etc have collapsed, been cancelled, closed and others are yet to happen seven times. Money and medicine will be useless to some.


God has chosen Uganda to fulfill his purpose as described in Isaiah: 19: 1-10, 16 and 19 – 22. Therefore, Uganda is going to be blessed through the word of God. However, a price must be paid through fire to uproot what you or we planted ungodly.

Now it’s high time Ugandans to humble ourselves and be prepared for the vision. Revelation: 10, Isaiah: 28: 9-10 and going deep into the word of God bringing forth the very truth that lies in it to set the nations free. God is ready to deal with any body that will stand in the way to stop the transformation, first Ugandans: Amos: 9:2-3.

A lot is happening in our churches i.e. sexual immorality, treachery, witch craft, indecent dressing, self minded churches, tribalism, competition and pride, self promoting leaders, all of which is happening due to the lack of true doctrine of the word of God. But by God’s grace whoever will submit totally, will get out of trouble Revelation: 18: 1-5-.

“If you hear the voice of the Lord, don’t harden your heart” Hebrews 3:7 -18, 15-19.


  1. Amos 8:1 -2 and 11

Amos: 8 1-2 God reveals to his prophets the future events in the spiritual world, although they have not happened, yet they can pass the warning information to others, Amos: 3:7.
Amos 8:2.

Prophets have to hear, seek diligently, (to be interpreted) in order to pass the message to others. Jeremiah: 1:4-10, Ezekiel: 3: 1-9, Daniel: 2: 17 -24
Amos: 8:1-2 and 11 A basket of drought fruits; the word of God is available and preached everywhere in the whole world but very shallow, without going deep to bring up the meaning and the right way of doing things so that people may come to understand the true way of doing things therefore, many are confused, that’s why you see the behaviors of born again are contrary to the word of God that we preach, yet we are the light to the world. Pastors can’t stand and give to the world the right answer because of lack of truth hence no peace with many people.

2Chronicels 15:3, Hosea 4:6, John 8:32

The basket means the Church

The drought means confusion.
The fruits mean the word of God.

  1. Isaiah: 19:1-10, 16-19.

Isaiah 19:1 God decided to rise against Africa and gave her a heavy task just because of disobedience that has taken so long to melt our hearts so that we may submit through hardships and as well bear the responsibility of the latter generation.
Isaiah:19: 2-3.
God was, and is involved in those / these battles going on every where in Africa, intending to subdue all actions, wrong motives, knowledge, and tactics cheating knowledge through imparting the spirit of arrogance to all people from Leaders to the least. Isaiah: 19:14.
The cruel King / fierce King: these are the African leaders who come in power softening themselves as if caring for people or pretending to care for people yet their hearts are filled with corruption, selfishness, discrimination, tribulation, tribalism, nepotism, killing, imprisoning, intimidating and bribing Judges and members of Parliaments to change constitutions in order to keep themselves in power. What the Kings decide is unchangeable but, all in all this is God’s plan intending to oppress or afflict people especially common people in order to transform them, then there after God may turn against the Leaders. Isaiah: 10:5 -17.
Isaiah: 19: 5 -7
God planned some time ago that water will dry / drain in Lakes and Rivers, including the big river of which its source is in the chosen Country Uganda known as River Nile.
That is why you see, when the government tried to increase on power (electricity), water declined instead so that what the Prophet Isaiah prophesied may come to pass and also crops, environment and Farms are decreasing.

  1. Crops: Coffee, bananas and cassava are affected by disease and so farming is now difficult in some areas and will yet become more and more difficult if we don’t repent and change.
    Animal husbandry: Local cows, chicken, pigs etc are deteriorating just because farmers are impatient with them for they take long to grow, yet these exotic ones grow very fast because of the support of chemicals which may cause dangerous diseases.
    Foreign countries help us to keep them yet they don’t want to eat their meat because of the problems it may cause.
    Environment: The environment such as forests (trees) are being cut, swamps have been destroyed because of constructing houses in them.
    Isaiah: 19:8
    Fishermen in our country Uganda are crying tears, few fish are got because of poor fishing methods and the lakes are being fought for, as though they have owners. Fish is very expensive, most fish are for export (sold abroad), Owners (the citizens) especially, the common people eat skins and bones like dogs yet they are also expensive. 

Isaiah:19: 2-3.
God was, and is involved in those / these battles going on every where in Africa, intending to subdue all actions, wrong motives, knowledge, and tactics cheating knowledge through imparting the spirit of arrogance to all people from Leaders to the least. Isaiah: 19:14.
The cruel King / fierce King: these are the African leaders who come in power softening themselves as if caring for people or pretending to care for people yet their hearts are filled with corruption, selfishness, discrimination, tribulation, tribalism, nepotism, killing, imprisoning, intimidating and bribing Judges and members of Parliaments to change constitutions in order to keep themselves in power. What the Kings decide is unchangeable but, all in all this is God’s plan intending to oppress or afflict people especially common people in order to transform them, then there after God may turn against the Leaders. Isaiah: 10:5 -17.
Isaiah: 19: 5 -7
God planned some time ago that water will dry / drain in Lakes and Rivers, including the big river of which its source is in the chosen Country Uganda known as River Nile.
That is why you see, when the government tried to increase on power (electricity), water declined instead so that what the Prophet Isaiah prophesied may come to pass and also crops, environment and Farms are decreasing.

  1. Crops: Coffee, bananas and cassava are affected by disease and so farming is now difficult in some areas and will yet become more and more difficult if we don’t repent and change.
    Animal husbandry: Local cows, chicken, pigs etc are deteriorating just because farmers are impatient with them for they take long to grow, yet these exotic ones grow very fast because of the support of chemicals which may cause dangerous diseases.
    Foreign countries help us to keep them yet they don’t want to eat their meat because of the problems it may cause.
    Environment: The environment such as forests (trees) are being cut, swamps have been destroyed because of constructing houses in them.
    Isaiah: 19:8
    Fishermen in our country Uganda are crying tears, few fish are got because of poor fishing methods and the lakes are being fought for, as though they have owners. Fish is very expensive, most fish are for export (sold abroad), Owners (the citizens) especially, the common people eat skins and bones like dogs yet they are also expensive. Isaiah : 19:9
    Here in Uganda the textiles which were in Mukono near the River Nile are no longer in existence in addition to other industries which manufacture clothes, and those who trade from abroad will soon cry very much because,  God is going to oppress all people until they will learn to dress decently. Clothes such as transparent clothes, tights / fittings, breast shows, open clothes and balance dressing, all these must come to an end. Revelation: 18:11.

Isaiah: 19:10.
a) The pillar to break: whatever every person depends on in order not to obey the gospel of    
    our Lord Jesus Christ, will come to an end, for example those who depend on witch craft,
    human sacrifice, animal sacrifice, and sorcery will come to an end or back fire
    up to their fourth generation especially those with human blood covenants, etc.
    Psalms: 50:21
    Those who depend on friends, relatives, people, leaders more than God, they will turn against them and treat them so bad Jeremiah: 17: 5-6. Wealth dependants will lose much more and at times even get dangerous diseases etc. Jeremiah: 17:9-11.
    God will rise against those who trust / depend on weapons using others to worsen    
    situations putting them on tension at times even over throwing them. Isaiah: 31:1-4
    Those who trust in power / leadership to oppress, steal and demolish others taking   
    their possessions will face many problems until they have vomited / pay    
    back all that they have stolen or what they got in the wrong ways even if they  belong to   
    the Governments, every person will be given strong punishments that will
    force them to repent up to the fourth generation, if they got involved, or
    inherited, and even others to die if they don’t repent. Job: 20: 15- 20,
    Proverbs 10-11; 22:22-23, Revelation 18: 6-18.
     Isaiah: 19:10.
b)  Employees to be grieved in their hearts especially those who have no voice or
     those with no relatives in powers are being cheated with less payment, little
     salary, others are not given allowances where the work is beyond necessary.
     They are being discriminated, dismissed with out laws governing them and
     they can not be helped because of failure to bribe on this continent of Africa.
     Isaiah: 19:16 Africa fearing and trembling as a woman, God planned hardships   (sufferings) on our continent Africa, so that we may become confused both the poor and the
 rich, the leaders and the one they lead, the wife and the husband, the sick and the healthy,
 the child and the parent, the house owners and the tenants, the briber and the
 bribed, one with a gun and one without a gun, pastor and the believer.

 Isaiah: 19: 19
God planned to set a Ministry that has to begin the new and as well the last generation (the coming back of our Lord Jesus Christ) in Africa
but near by the boundary where River Nile starts from (the source) in Uganda
well as the spring is in Buganda.
God himself had to choose Ministers from different Ministries to bring them together,
having one heart, working together with one burden following and being lead by the
holy spirit that is the alter, and  a pillar means God putting trust in these
Ministers (Ministry). Thus the pillar or Tower must be seen from very far meaning
that the whole world will have to find the truth and to understand this
ministry and these ministers, to look for them having riches, wisdom, power,  
glory, strength, hounour and blessings of this Ministry and the chosen ones within
Revelation: 5: 9-14.
The world is still in trouble, because of being without this revelation and this secret, including Uganda and Buganda where this spring is, although the world will suffer but
Uganda and Buganda are to suffer more exceedingly, until the president and the Kings at       
present, or who will be up to the least person, agrees to be helped, by being taught,     
counseled and guided especially by these chosen Ministers who have known what to do and
who have been given power, authority and anointing of this generation. Luke: 4: 16-19, Leviticus: 25:9-10, Mathew: 21: 23 – 27.
God planned that because of these ongoing hardships (sufferings) these will force especially
Africans to cry to Him for which so that it might cause Him to set a minister to stand in the
gap to start making up the hedge having to surrender all, to be trained  by God Himself as he
did to Moses. Exodus: 3:1 – 10, Gideon Judges 6:11-16, John Luke 3: 1-8 and others, he/she
 will also train others. Example given: This means God putting a watchman and a saviour
is Himself to choose a person He wishes to start or to bring back and change the
generation where it went a stray.

  1. Adam and Eve: They were the ones given the chance (watch) to begin the earth.
    Genesis 2:15 -24.
  2. Noah: Watchman and Saviour to build the Ark to save those who believed in him, from the flood. Genesis 6:1-14.
  3. Moses: Watched and Saved the Israelites to take them to their inheritance and Joshua was to lead them to reach their promised land. Exodus : 3:1-14, Joshua 5:10-12
  4. David: Watched and saved Israelites and to bring back the covenant box, 1Samuel 16:1-14,
    1Chronicles 13:1-7.
  5. John: watched and saved in the preparation for the coming back of our Lord Jesus Christ to save the (world). Luke: 3:15-17.
  6. Jesus Christ: Chief watchman and Chief savior of the whole world Mathew: 1: 18-21.
  7. Peter: A watchman and savior leading Israelites (in the gospel) of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    John 21: 15 -17.

Paul: A watchman and savior leading the gentiles in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 9:1 -15 and so others. Let God help you to open your eyes and the spiritual wisdom to find where the watchman and savior is, because God has already set a watchman and a savior to prepare the coming back of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the latter day’s gospel Revelation: 10.
Isaiah 19:21 To know the Lord and to worship with a sacrifice and gift, vowing and fulfilling it, is to decide and surrender with your whole heart, knowledge, power and your whole life to be taught, counseled, reading the bible, inquire, to reveal yourself and to do what exactly you were created or called for by making a covenant and some to be ordained no matter whether you are educated or not but to do His will and our will. Matthew 6:10.
Isaiah 19:22: To smite and to heal: This means that where there is any rebellion without believing and submission, a strong situation will increase seven times as much especially those who have what they trust including a very much confusion and where there is repenting and submission whole heartedly doing thoroughly and at times giving strong sacrifice not any more rebellion, this will bring healing and peace. Isaiah: 1: 19 -20. Psalms 51:17, Hebrews: 12:4-13.

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